This is a repost.
Work Out Song
Good to go and get your work out on
Good to go and get your body strong
If you like to eat and play all day
Listen to the healthy words I say
If you want to get your mind in tune
Take a listen what you got to do
Don’t eat the bad stuff that will take away
A healthy body that you use all day
So what you do is chose wise healthy food
And even if you are not in the mood
Get off your butt and get your exercise
And you will get a great big prize
Health! Health! and a happy mind
Kind of go together when you take some time
So keep a focus on it every day
And look at it like a little way to play
And when you’re fighting a bad attitude
Put on some music to get you in the mood
No need to worry about your appetite
Working out will make that part all right
Poem by: Sue Michaud
“Back Flip” Picture by: Sylvia Arthur